How to Maximize Revenue with Auctions

How to Maximize Revenue with Auctions

I shared on the Do Good Better Podcast why I love helping people do good and get things sold. Patrick Kirby and I had a great conversation about how to maximize revenue with auctions – here are my top  takeaways: Are you having a FRIENDraiser or a FUNDraiser?...
Are Auctions Worth It? Find out!

Are Auctions Worth It? Find out!

Auctions can be a fun, and engaging way to both raise money and get people excited about your work. But are auctions worth it and what do you need to host a successful auction? I shared on Fundraising Heros why auctions are worth it! We had a great conversation about...
Why Use a Benefit Auctioneer

Why Use a Benefit Auctioneer

Why hire a professional for the fundraising (it’s so much cheaper to do it on our own)!? Hey – valid question. What a lot of people don’t realize is that auctioneers need to be licensed in many states – like Georgia, North Carolina and Alabama. There are legalities...